Category Archives: INVESTING

How to Write a “Lasting Impression” Executive Summary

Writing a killer executive summary Writing a compelling executive summary is key to making a great first impression among your strategic partners and investors. It is essential to clearly and concisely highlight your company’s purpose and business model. So the question is, how do you capture your readers’ interest, all without exceeding 2 pages?
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Will “digital health” go big or small?…or German?

With the advent of smartphones, there are now thousands of health-related apps. Leading edge health information technology (HIT) startups are launching not just in the “hot” tech hubs of India and Israel, but also in countries like Germany. Most of the new HIT companies are going in one of four directions: 1. A very discrete… Read More

SociaLab is Partnering with Givkwik for “Giving Tuesday”

It’s officially #GivingTuesday! Go to our partner, Givkwik’s website to help decide which nonprofits get donations from SociaLab and other socially-minded companies. SociaLab is working with Givkwik to help make giving easier than ever. Givkwik’s GivingTuesday campaign shows how easy and efficient online giving can be. Through these campaigns, companies – like SociaLab – connect… Read More

Who Cares About the “Social Cost” of Pollution?

Determining the “social cost” here means putting a dollar amount to the burden that results from pollution, such as greenhouses gases. The social cost of carbon can even be used to calculate the real environmental cost of household appliances that have varying levels of efficiency. The Obama administration is making a second attempt to institute… Read More