Tag Archives: Socially Responsible

Creating Impact Investing Efficienecies

Impact Investing

Another blog talked about the new ImpactSpace “which track(s) …’impact investing’ deals”, and “a related site, ImpactIQ, which provides news and other posts about the world of impact investing.”

ImpactSpace does fill a critical need: mapping deal flow and broadcasting investment opportunities.

Even with these new entrants, however, companies offering “Impact investing” opportunities still face major barriers and costs because there is no efficient way to reach potential “impact investors.”

So some of us are trying to solve that other half of the equation: How do you aggregate impact investors so that they can be reached efficiently by companies offering impact investing opportunities?

A solution that we are pursuing involves creating local “impact investor groups” that will feed into an overarching “impact investor network;” impact investor groups will be able to meet in person or virtually.

We welcome interested parties.
